2021 - 2022 Membership - Pay by Check
Membership to Seabreeze Quilt Guild is valid from May 2021 through April 2022.
Each member is asked to pre-purchase 2 books (12 tickets) of quilt show raffle tickets ($10 value). Membership price paid should also include $10 for prepaid tickets.
In 2021, prepaid tickets are for the next quilt show (date not yet determined) and are not valid for the quilt raffle associated with the 2021 virtual quilt show. Tickets for the 2021 quilt raffle are available for sale as a separate item.
Renewal or New Member - Annual membership May 2021 through April 2022. $25 + $10 for 2022 prepaid tickets. Please send check for $35.
Lifetime membership - Annual membership fee is waived for members over 80 years young who have been active members for at least one year. $0 + $10 for 2022 prepaid tickets.
Please send check for $10
Inactive membership - Inactive members may attend regular meetings as a non-member (two meetings per year) and will receive the Guild's monthly newsletter. $10 + $10 for 2022 prepaid tickets. Please send check for $20
Note: Because you are paying by check, online price shown will become $0. Please complete the transaction so that we can capture your membership data. Paypay/Credit card options may display but will not be invoked. You will receive a confirmation via email. When we receive your check, a receipt (identified as shipping notice) will be emailed to you.
Send check to:
Seabreeze Quilt Guild
PO Box 842
Exeter, NH 03833